Wednesday, September 12, 2007

An Utlrasound At Two Months!

Two months young!

We were able to see him/her moving their hands and legs, wiggling around and stretching.
The heart rate was relatively fast (126/60).
The baby is just under an inch long.
Note: That is not my right ovary, as it says. My right ovary is much cuter.
To be expected around April 7th, 2008 (Happy Belated Birthday Grandma Wagner)!

The Real Father?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sunday, June 10, 2007


"Find another corner of the house
When you need to get away
Her guitar leans against the couch
Sometimes I pick it up and play
Loosen and stretch it's ancient strings
Until it sounds the way I feel
Brush my thumb against it soft
Give it life or give it pause

When you look up in my eyes
I'm looking down in yours
All looks good up in the sky
Down to your wooly carpet floor
And I know that I have picked
The most perfect songs out yet
Even on a sketchy day
Just outside her shore we stay"

-Red House Painters